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Globalization and the Long-Term Trends in Agriculture and Rural Sector Development




The development of the farming sector and rural areas in Poland will take place in the presence of two tendencies. On the one hand globalisation, on the other hand the preservation of national structures, features and phenomena. It originates in the incapability of swiftly overcoming and overhauling the farming sector and in the high status of land in the value system of rural residents, particularly farmers.


Under the influence of globalisation, new socio-economic structures, typical of highly developed countries, will be formed. The role of farming in food economy will be waning and the role of food processing and distribution will gain on importance. As a result the tendencies towards the concentration of land, a decrease in the number of farms producing for the market and a decrease in the number of people employed in farming will be strengthened.


Globalisation will press ahead with the development of rural areas, environmental protection, easing unemployment and the improvement of labour force mobility on labour markets. At the same time we should count with a reverse tendency - "guarding one's father's farmland", dividing farms, increasing the employment in farming and, in some regions, its leading role in the development of rural areas.  As a result the changes brought about by globalisation will be procrastinated due to typically Polish conditions stemming from anachronistic agrarian structures.