News: year 2005


All the news
Polish version Polish version



December 15, 2005, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Our last this year guest and speaker at the TIGER seminars was Dr. Michal Rutkowski, Director, Human Development Department, Middle East and North Africa Region, the World Bank. The topic of the lecture and following discussion was "Evolution of the Middle East and North Africa: Economic and Social Dimensions of Gradual Change".

December 13, 2005
Aleksandra Lubicz, "Little Tigers" Student Science Club Chairman, together with other WSPiZ Students Science Clubs Chairmen: Monika Gorgon (HR Club), Karolina Pupik, Zbyszek Kruk (Forum Asia-Pacific), Lukasz Baba (Marketing Science Club), was elected to the WSPiZ Students Council.

December 5, 2005, 6:00 p.m.
Perugia. "Lessons for Emerging Markets from Poland's Successful Transformation" - this is a title of the lecture and seminar Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presents in Italy, at the Faculty of Political Science, Department of Economics of the University of Perugia.

Poster (in Italian)

At the old town square with Professor D. Mario Nuti, the member of TIGER Scientific Advisory Board

December 4, 2005
Jubilee! It was already the 20th marathon in 4 and half years! This time, in quite winter weather, together with almost 6 thousands runners, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko has run Milano City Maraton 2005 - in 4 hours 21 minutes and 3 seconds.
Witold Radke's article about the Milano Marathon

November 2005
The American publishing house - NOVA Science - has published a book edited by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko on "Globalization and Social Stress". A group of distinguished authors from several countries - including a number of scholars from Yale University, which co-operates with the Kozminski School of Business (WSPiZ) and TIGER - pay special attention to a number of threats and negative social implications that can be caused by globalization. At the same time they point to several policy options and needed structural reforms, which may help to avoid such consequences.
List of Tables and Figures
Information about the book

November 2005
The Chinese periodical - Jing Ji She Hui Ti Zhi Bi Jiao (JCESS - Journal of Comparative Studies of Economic and Society System), No. 5 (121)/2005, pp. 28-33, publishes the article by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko entitled "Bo Lan Da Bian Ge Dui Xin Xing Shi Chang de Qi Tiao Jing Yan Jiao Xun" ("Lessons for the Emerging Markets from Poland's Great Change").

November 25, 2005
Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz participated in the international scientific seminar: "The Eastern Borderland of the Enlarged European Union. Factors and barriers of competitive development", which took place in Warsaw School of Economics. Dr. Runiewicz presented the paper entitled: "Competitive ability of selected north-east border-regions of the enlarged European Union".
Seminar program

November 24-26, 2005
The Bucharest Office of Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Bucharest-based Group of Applied Economics organized the international conference on "Extending EU Labour Markets Eastward". The conference addressed the challenges the European employment policy faces in the context of a considerable Central and Eastern European labour surplus. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko participated in the event as discussant in Panel I that deals with the issue of formal and informal markets in growing economies. Panel I focused on the following questions:

  • Non-wage labor costs act as a tax on employment. How then to best finance pensions and health?
  • How could one encourage informal work without eroding the tax base, destroying formal employment and opening the door to crude exploitation?

Panel topics

November 24, 2005
Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz was a participant of the Regional Studies Association Annual Conference 2005 on: "Sustainable Regions: Making Regions Work", to held in London. The Regional Studies Association is The International Forum for Regional Development Policy and Research. Dr. Runiewicz presented a co-paper "The cross border cooperation between Germany and Poland - the example of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Brandenburg and Zachodniopomorskie regions".
program and details

November 16, 2005, 5:00 p.m., room B5
Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, Advisor to Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Research Director at TIGER, delivered a lecture within the TIGER seminar series on "IMF and its recommendations for Poland".
Summary (in Polish)

November 15, 2005, 12:00 p.m., WSPiZ, room A 119
Public defense of the doctoral dissertation by Jacek Tomkiewicz on "The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Capital Formation in Corporations in Postsocialist Economies". Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko was the dissertation's supervisor, referees were Prof. Stanislaw Flejterski (Szczecin University) and Prof. Adam Noga (WSPiZ). Discussion on dissertation was very interesting, Jacek Tomkiewicz had to anwer many dificult questions.

November 14, 2005
Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz participated in the international seminar entitled: "The Regional co-operation - European experiences", organized by The Association of the Managerial Initiatives Business Institute in Bialystok.
more information

November 9, 2005, 4:00 p.m., room B5
TIGER Seminar entitled "Fiscal Policy and capital formation process in transition economies". Jacek Tomkiewicz presented the results of his research.

November 1, 2005, 10:30 a.m.
At the invitation of Professor Alexander Nekipielov, the Vice-president and Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko visited again the Moscow School of Economics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Director of TIGER presented a lecture entitled "Wither the World Economy? Wither Russia?".

Source: Lomonosov Moscow State University internet site

October 31, 2005
At the invitation of the World Bank, Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, TIGER's Research Director, took part in the panel on "What Are the Sectoral Drivers of Productivity Growth?" during the workshop on productivity held in Washington DC.

October 31, 2005
In Moscow, at the invitation of Professor Gavril Popov, the Director of TIGER - Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko - participated in the Congress of Free Association of Russian Economists. In the gathering a part were taking the leading Russian economists, both the scholars and theoreticians as well as the practitioners and managers, and the foreign guests.

October 27, 2005
Dr Małgorzata Runiewicz participated in the scientific conference entitled "International Competitiveness of German Economy. Implications for Poland", organized by The World Economy Research Institute and The German Economy Study Centre of The Warsaw School of Economics in Warsaw.
Program of the Conference in Polish

October 25, 2005, 4:00 p.m.
The Students Scientific Club LITTLE TIGERS organizes a cycle of seminars on the issues of systemic transformation in Poland and other countries of our region of the world. The first meeting, with President Wojciech Jaruzelski, the Man of State and former President of Poland was made by the Club. The subject of lecture and following debate was "The Polish Transformation". A book written by President Jaruzelski, entitled "Pod prąd" ("Against the Stream"), has been published recently.

October 24, 2005
Already over 3 thousands readers have visited the website of Social Science Research Network (SSRN) and has studied available there 16 research papers written by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko. SSRN is an electronic library devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks in each of the social sciences. You should visit it too!

October 19, 2005, 9:30 a.m.
The subject of corporate governance has recently been featured in the context of systemic transformation of the Central East Europe. Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management and TIGER together with Yale University organized a conference entitled "Corporate Governance in Economies of Post-socialist Transition", which gave the issues closer to the Polish audience.
Conference program

From left: George Vojta, Yale Center for Corporate Governance,
Rector Andrzej K. Kozminski and Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko


Press Partners

BusinessWeek Polska

October 18, 2005, 4:00 p.m.
In the new academic year, the activities of Students Scientific Club Little TIGERS started with the lecture by and discussion with the TIGER Director. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko spoke on his "15 Principles for a Successful Life". Everybody keen to follow the example - especially the freshmen - are cordially invited!

October 16, 2005
While in Beijing Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko - "in view of his achievement in academic circles" - has been appointed to the position of Academic Committee Member of the China's Research Center for Economic Transition of the Beijing University of Technology (BUT).

October 16, 2005, 8:30 a.m.
At the invitation of the President of Beijing University of Technology - Professor Fan Boyuan - Director of TIGER, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, gave a special public lecture on "Lessons from Poland's Transformation for the Emerging Markets".
Lecture (in Chinese)

October 13-16, 2005
"Education Forum for Asia-Conference on Cross-cultural Management and Training in a Global Economy" hold under the auspices of the Bo'ao Forum for Asia (BFA); the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the China Scholarship Council, and the Beijing Municipal Government. Beijing University of Technology and Humboldt University at Berlin jointly organized the event. The Forum had invited renowned domestic experts, scholars, and government officials from China and abroad to discuss the training methodology for cross-cultural management. The Forum aimed to discuss how to improve enterprise management performance, and how to expand the range of international cooperation. A prime topic for discussion was the development of international management skills in the context of different national and cultural backgrounds. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, acting as the keynote speaker, addressed the issues of interaction between education, management and economic policies in different cultures at the era of globalization.
Conference program

With the Deputy Prime Minister of China, Ms. Chen Zhi-li

October 12, 2005
TIGER Seminar entitled "China: Economic Reforms, Development Policy and Political System".

October 6, 2005
The ceremony of awarding the Rector's awards for scientific publications in academic year 2004-2005 for the young TIGER scientific team - Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz, Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, Andrzej Bolesta, Jacek Tomkiewicz.

Jacek Tomkiewicz is awarded for his scientific achievements by Rector Andrzej K. Koźmiński

October 1, 2005
The ceremony of inauguration of the 13th academic year at the Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management. TIGER commenced its sixth year of activity. Four members of the TIGER team (Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz, Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, Andrzej Bolesta, Jacek Tomkiewicz) have received the Rector's Awards for Scientific Achievements.

September 2005
The WSPiZ Publishing has released new book (in Polish) entitled "Public Finance and Economic Growth" ("Finanse publiczne a wzrost gospodarczy". The volume, based on the research project conducted by TIGER, has been edited by Jacek Tomkiewicz and contains chapters written by the leading Polish experts on of fiscal policy.
Introduction (in Polish)
Table of Contents (in Polish)

September 2005
The book written by Malgorzata Runiewicz entitled "The Impact of Foreign Direct Investments on the Export Competitiveness of the Baltic States in the European Single Market" has recently been published. The publication examines the implications of foreign direct investments (FDI) and trade relations on the export-led growth and competitiveness of Baltic economies in a comparative perspective. It presents the empirical and econometric evidence of the correlation between the FDI and dynamic change of the Baltic States' export specialization in the EU Single Market.

September 2005
The book edited by Andrzej Bolesta entitled "Refugee Crises and International Response: Towards Permanent Solutions?" has recently been published. The publication is a collection of papers about international reaction to the migration flows and humanitarian crises. It is a common effort of the graduates of the MSc in Forced Migration course at the Refugee Studies Centre of the University of Oxford.
Table of Contents

September 2005
WSPiZ Publishing House has published a book by Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, Research Director, entitled "Information Society in Poland. A Prospective Analysis". It presents a diagnosis of the current state of the information society development in Poland in its economic, institutional, political and social dimensions, and provides a scenario of its future development until 2010.
Preface by Poland's Minister of Science and Information Society Technologies
Table of contents

September 2005
"Lessons for the emerging markets from Poland's great change" - this is the title of Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko paper published by the quarterly "Communist and Post-Communist Studies" (Vol. 38, No. 3, September 2005, p. 369-379). The article is now available for the subscribers online via ScienceDirect:

September 30, 2005, 12:15 p.m.
At the invitation of Dean of the Economic Department of the Universiteit van Amsterdam prof. Michael Ellman, prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko chaired a seminar on "Lessons from Poland's Transition to a Market System".

With the Dean of Economics Department of the University of Amsterdam
- Professor Michael Ellman

September 29, 2005
At the annual International Conference of Students' Association EFACT, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presented a keynote lecture on "The European Union Integration and Enlargement at the Era of Global Competition". The subject of the event was "Europe's Competitive Position, Fear It or Face It!" Efact is the association for all students at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, and - having over 3,700 members, is the largest economic students' association in the Netherlands.
Conference Program

With the Organizing Committee of the Efact-2005 Conference

September 24, 2005

Having traveled over 13 thousand km through southern African bush, Kalahari desert and the Indian Ocean coastline and having met a number of scientists and politicians of the region - in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa and Swaziland - a day after his lecture at the University of Zimbabwe, professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko run for the next time 42,195 m! In the mountainous region of Mutare, at the 32C, he completed the Africa University International Peace Marathon.

September 23, 2005, 9:00 a.m.
"Globalization and Catching-up in Emerging Markets" was entitled the lecture and seminar Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presented at the Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies (ZIDS) at the University of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies (ZIDS) - alike the TIGER - carries out policy-oriented research that assist economic and social development. It also provides training courses in development studies, disseminates research findings by way of publications and seminars, shares information with other research institutions locally regionally and internationally and participates in teaching activities in various departments of the University of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe, with 12.8 million inhabitants, of which 70% lives below the poverty line, has the GDP per capita (on PPP basis) of $1.900, and faces a wide variety of difficult economic problems as it struggles with an large fiscal deficit, an overvalued exchange rate, high inflation, and shortages. During his visit Professor Kolodko discused the matters of necessary structural reforms with the Zimbabwean Government representatives.

September 16, 2005
Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz participated in "The Conference Evaluation of the socio-economic programmes financed by structural funds", organized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labour and Polish Agency for Enterprise Development in Warsaw.
More info

September 7-10, 2005
Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, Research Director, took part in the XV Economic Forum in Krynica, the so-called "Eastern European Davos". Dr. Piatkowski delivered a presentation on "How to Utilize the Potential of ICT for Economic Development? The Role of Public Policies" during a conference organized by the European Commission's research center IPTS on "Future Outlook on the Information Society and the integration of the New Member States: the contribution of ICT strategies and technologies". All presentations and speeches are available at


September 7, 2005
Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz participated in the conference dedicated to the World Summit 2005 entitled: "Reforms of the UN - yes. But how?" organized by the UN Information Centre in Warsaw in cooperation with The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and United Nations Development Programme in Poland (UNDP).

August 3, 2005
While visiting Mongolia, Professor G. W. Kolodko has given an interview, entitled "Polish advice for Mongolian economy: 'shock therapy' is wrong", for the English language weekly "The Mongol Messenger". In 2004 Mongolia has recorded GDP growth exceeding 10 percent and continues structural reforms aiming at sustaining fast economic development in the future. In Ulaanbaatar Director of TIGER has shared his observations and suggestions concerning the successful market transformation and high development dynamics, ensuing also from the Poland's experiences.

At the Mongol steppe

July 2005
Quarterly "Acta Oeconomica", Vol. 55 (2), 2005, pp. 235-249, has published a review of the book edited by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko on "Emerging Market Economies. Globalization and Development", released in 2003 by ASHGATE. The author of the review - Csilla Varga - has written, inter alia, that: "...the book occupies a special place in contemporary political economy literature. It enlarges the existing body of knowledge in a number of discourses on political economy - globalisation, transitology, development, policy-making, etc. - and through combination of all of these discourses contributes with new insights into and enlarges the scope of the applicability of mainstream economics. (...) the volume achieves even more than it promises."

July 2005
The new scientific periodical - "Montenegrin Journal of Economics" (Vol. 1, No. 1, July) - has been just inaugurated in Serbia and Montenegro. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko has been invited to join the Editorial Board of the journal and has published there an article entitled "Transition to a Market. Why Gradualism Works and Radicalism Fails?" (pp. 19-25).

July 13, 2005
China's Prime Minister, WEN Jiabao received Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, who is currently in Beijing. They discussed structural reforms and conditions of China's socio-economic development. In the first half of 2005 economic growth in China reached 9,5%, which may suggest that the economy is overheated. Prime Minister WEN forecasts that the GDP per capita will increase from a current level of US$ 1,290 (according to the exchange rate, according to the purchasing power parity the GDP per capita is around US$ 5,600) to around US$ 4,000 in the year 2020, while the population will reach 1,5 billion in 2030. Discussion between the Prime Minister and Prof. Kolodko was concerned with the reforms of the financial sector, including the fiscal system and banking sector. They also discussed the threats to maintaining such high production growth in the following years and conditions and perspectives for so called harmonious society. Professor Kolodko has suggested a shift toward more flexible currency regime through quitting the peg with US dollar and replacing it by a basket of four currencies: dollar, euro, yen and the British pound.

Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko has presented Premier Jiabao Wen
with his two books published in Chinese

July 12-13, 2005
The National Development and Reform Commission of the People Republic of China (NDRC) hosted the Summit on China's Reforms. The Summit focused on the key reforms during the XIth five-year-plan period 2006-10, including change of government's character, financial and banking sector reforms, fiscal and taxation system reforms, social security and income distribution, state-owned assets administration system and state-owned enterprise reforms as well as the process of Chinese opening-up. A group of leading economists on structural reforms and development policies had been invited to participate in the event. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko had commented on the presentation of the Chinese Government and contributed a lecture on the lessons from Poland's transformation for China entitled "Xin Xing Shi Chang Ying Cong Bo Lan Da Bian Ge Zhong Xi Qu De Jing Yan Jiao Xun" ("Lessons for the Emerging Markets from Poland's Great Change").
Summit Program
Prof. Kolodko paper (in Chinese)

July 6-8, 2005
Dr. Małgorzata Runiewicz participated in "8th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation", organized by The Faculty of Management and Innovation Center of the University of Łódź. The Conference gave emphasis to "value-added partnering in a changing world". Dr. Runiewicz presented a paper on "The Role of Regional Economic Integration in Cluster Development and Innovative Capacity Building".
Conference website (in Polish and English languages)

July 4-5, 2005
Queen Elizabeth House - one of the most eminent academic research centres on international development in the world is already 50 years old! For almost twenty years QEH has remained the Department of International Studies of the University of Oxford.
At the invitation of the director of the Queen Elizabeth House - Professor Barbara Harriss-White, an alumni of QEH and the University of Oxford - Andrzej Bolesta participated in the official anniversary dinner and the conference.
Conference programme

June 2005
Quarterly "Finance India", Vol. XIX, No. 2 (June), pp. 465-479, has published the article written by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko on "Globalization, Transition and Development Prospects".

June 2005
"Seido, Seisaku to Keizai-seicho" means in Japanese "Institutions, Policies, and Growth". The article entitled so, written by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko and translated from English by Professors Masahiro Taguchi i Tomoko Yoshizaki, is forthcoming in "Okayama Economic Review", Vol. 37, No. 1 (June 2005), pp. 151-172, Okayama: The Economic Association of Okayama University. The paper has been already published in English, Polish, Russian and Chinese.
Text of the article (in Japanese)

June 23, 2005
In Valletta, the Malta's capital, at the invitation of Professor Lino Briguglio - Head of the Economics Department of the University of Malta and the CEO of the Foundation for International Studies (FIS) - Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko gave a seminar on "Post - Communist Transition and the European Union Enlargement".

June 18, 2005
Through the forests, across the meadows and fields, between beautiful lakes, on the hilly terrain, led the 26.2 miles course of the Summer Night Marathon in Forssa, Finland. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko has run the race, yet this time not too fast. Actually, quite slow, since it has taken 4 hours 46 minutes and 12 seconds... It's been already the 18th marathon run by Director of TIGER during last four years.

June 17-18, 2005

WIDER has already 20 years! The World Institute for Development Economics Research has been established in 1985 and works within the framework of the United Nations University. On this occasion a special WIDER Jubilee Conference on "The Future of Development Economics: WIDER Thinking Ahead" took place in Helsinki. The conference provided an opportunity to take stock of the current state of development economic thought and to review the contribution of the Institute over the past two decades. The main objective was to use the occasion to look 20 years ahead - to speculate on the types of problems the world may be facing, the issues that could be on the development agenda, the way in which theory and analysis will change, and the new policies that will emerge. Professor G. W. Kolodko, which will participate in the Jubilee Conference, has been associated with WIDER since 1988 and has published through with WIDER four research papers and a chapter in another book. The Institute had hosted him as Distinguished Sasakawa Chair and Research Professor in Development Policy in 1997-98. During that period of time the book on "From Shock to Therapy. The Political Economy of Postsocialist Transformation" was drafted and later, in 2000, published by the Oxford University Press.
Conference program

With Professor Nguyuru H. I. Lipumba from Tanzania, the member of TIGER Scientific Advisory Board

June 10, 2005, 4:00 p.m., room: B5
Student Science Club Little Tigers has elected a new Chairman. Aleksandra Lubicz became the new Chairman.

June 5, 2005
Weekly "Przeglad" (Nr 22 [258]) publishes the first interview given to the Polish media since two years - after leaving the Government of Poland in mid-June 2003 - by the former (1994-97 and 2002-03) Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance of Poland, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko. An extended interview is called "The Return of a Marathon Man".

May 2005
Professor G. W. Kolodko major book "From Shock to Therapy. The Political Economy of Postsocialist Transformation", published in 2000 by the Oxford University Press, has been released in Japanese language. It's already the sixth language in which the book is published.

The book, released by SANKEISHA in Nagoya, with special introduction for the Japanese edition, is called:

"Shock kara Ryouhou he - Touou ni okeru Post-Shakaishugi no Taisei Ikou kara EU Kamei he" ("From Shock To Therapy: The Postsocialist Transitions to EU Accession in the East Central Europe").

May 2005
TIGER Research Centre has completed the evaluation survey on the "Impact of the National Plan of Development for the years 2007-2013 on the competitiveness of economy and companies innovativeness" for the Polish Ministry of Economy and Labour.

May 25, 2005, 12:00 p.m.
TIGER and Tiger's Students Club seminar. A Country Manager of the World Bank for Poland, Central Europe and the Baltic States in Warsaw - Mr. Edgar Saravia - delivered a lecture on the "World Bank's Mission in Poland in the Era of Globalization and Regional Integration". Mr. Saravia also talked to students about the ways of co-operation between the World Bank and youth.

May 21, 2005
The Chinese periodical BIJAO ("Comparative Studies"), No. 18, published the article by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko discussing the interrelations between institutions building, economic policies and development. The Chinese title of the paper is: 制度,政策和增长("Zhidu, Zhengce He Zengzhang"), what means "Institutions, Policies and Growth".

May 20, 10:00 a.m.
At the invitation of the Senate and students of the Cracow College of Management and Banking the Director of TIGER, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, presented a lecture on "Globalization and the Perspectives of Economic Growth in Poland".

May 19, 2005, 4:30 p.m.
During his visit to Cracow Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presented at the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow College (AFMCC) a lecture on "Transformation, Integration, and Development".

May 19, 2005, 10:00 a.m.
Director of Tiger - Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, presented a paper during the conference organized by the Cracow University of Economics. The conference was organized to celebrate the 55th anniversary of academic work and 80th anniversary of birth a leading Polish economist - prof. Edward Lukawer.

May 18, 2005, 4:00 p.m. room B5
Prof. Władysław Baka - a distinguished Polish economist and policymaker - was our guest in a TIGER's seminar series. Prof. Baka is currently a chairman of the council of the Bank Guarantee Fund (BGF) and therefore the subject of his seminar was "The Role and Function of BGF in the structure of the financial security".
CV (in Polish)

May 14, 2005
Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz participated in the conference named "Regionalism versus European Integration" organized by The Polish Union of Regional Administrative Districts in Ujazd.
Information on the conference (in Polish)

May 11, 2005, 7:30 p.m.
EQUIS - the European Quality Improvement System - implies the highest quality in the university education. Since several years the Kozminski Business School (WSPiZ) has been awarded with the EQUIS accreditation as the only business school in our region of Europe. The accreditation is awarded periodically by a special panel of independent experts selected by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). During the visit of the panel at the WSPiZ Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko - Director of TIGER - presented a lecture on "Globalization and Transformation. The Agenda at the Leading Business School".

May 11, 2005, 4:00 p.m., room B6
Little Tigers Science Club organized the meeting with Mr. Jan Wejchert - the co-founder and President of the Polish media giant ITI. The topic of the meeting was: "Is it possible to study the entrepreneurship?".

May 9, 2005, 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Kozminski Business School (WSPiZ) is the first university in this part of the world, which has been asked by the consortium in charge of a program EURO*MBA to organize a series of lectures and seminars Residential Week. Within this framework Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presented a lecture and seminar on "The Polish Economy in Transition".

May 6, 2005, 10:00 p.m.
During his brief visit to Hungary Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presented at the Department of Comparative Economics of the Corvinus University of Budapest a public lecture on "Globalization and the Post-Communist Great Change". In 2002 the book on "Globálizáció és a volt szocialista országok fejlödési tendenciái" ("Globalization and Catching-up in Transition Economies"), written by the Director of TIGER, has been published in Hungarian by the Kossuth Kiadó.
Abstract of lecture

Corvinus University between 1953 and 1991 was known as
the Karl Marx Economics University in Budapest

May 5, 2005
Central European University in Budapest hosted the international conference on "One Year After the Accession: Looking East and Looking West". This was a one-day event to commemorate the first anniversary of the enlargement of the European Union. During the conference Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko spoke on "Globalization, Regional Integrations, and the European Union Enlargement".

May 4, 2005, 1:00 p.m.
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko had met with the Ambassador of Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Poland - H. E. Dinh Xuan Luu - accompanied by the representatives of the Vietnam Theoretical Council, the group of leading Vietnamese experts on structural reforms and economic policy. The discussion was concerned with the political and economic aspects of postsocialist transformation from the comparative perspective. The Vietnamese guests have been particularly interested in the sources of the successful Polish transformation and fast economic growth during the implementation of "Strategy for Poland" in 1994-97 and "The Program of Public Finance Reform" in 2002-04. Soon the book on "Globalization and Catching-up in Transition Economies", authored by the TIGER Director, will be published in Vietnamese. It will be already the 11th language edition of this work.

April 2005
Director of TIGER, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, has been invited to join the Advisory Board of the "Japanese Comparative Economic Studies" (JCES) - a scientific English language periodical, published annually (in May) by the Japanese Society for Comparative Economic Studies (JSCES). The Managing Editor of journal is Professor Satoshi Mizobata from the Kyoto University. The journal focuses on the comparative analysis of the economic systems, enterprises and industries, and the economics of transition and institutional development. The journal publishes articles of theoretical studies and empirical analyses.
About the JCES

April 2005
With great satisfaction we would like to announce that again the magazines Polityka, Wprost and Perspektywy, as well as the daily newspaper "Rzeczpospolita" chose Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management where TIGER is affiliated at, the best private university in Poland. Moreover, also the monthly magazine "Home & Market" in its current ranking put Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management in the first position. As always, the universities listed were carefully scrutinized as far as the academic staff, the quality of teaching programmes, study conditions, contact with the environment, and prestige among academic cadres and employers, are concerned. It is worth mentioning that Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management is a long-term leader of the rankings maintaining a significant distance from the other universities.

April 27, 2005, 4:00 p.m.
TIGER seminar. A new director of the Foreign Trade Research Institute (IKCHZ) and also the Vice Rector for Scientific Research of the University of Insurance and Banking in Warsaw - Professor Ryszard Michalski - delivered a lecture entitled "Meanders of Polish monetary policy". Professor Michalski is not only an outstanding expert in a monetary policy theory, but also gained invaluable experience as he was on two occasions a Deputy Minister of Finance, taking care in particular of foreign finances and coordinating the fiscal and monetary policy in Poland. After the lecture we welcome everybody to join the discussion!
Abstract (in Polish)

April 26, 2005, 12:00 p.m.
At the invitation of the Ministry of Science and Information Technology, Dr. Marcin Piątkowski, Research Director, hold a seminar on "Can IT become a lever of Poland's development?". The seminar was held at the Ministry.
Summary by the Polish Press Agency (in Polish)

Photo: MNII

April 24, 2005
It's been already 17th marathon in less than four years! This time distance of 42 km and 195 meters (26,1 miles) of the Wroclaw Marathon Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko has run in 4 hours and 6 minutes. And that gives him 654th position among 924 runners which have finished the race.

April 16, 2005, 10:00 a.m.
The Postgraduate Ph.D. Studies at the Faculty of Business Administration (KNoP) at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) celebrated Tenth Anniversary of its activities. On this occasion Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko - the graduate and Ph.D. of SGH - presented a guest lecture on "Globalization and Economic Development and Stagnation" (Auditorium B).

April 14, 2005
The Moscow Rudomino Library of Foreign Languages, following the donation provided a year ago, has received seven books published recently in several languages by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko. Altogether the Library now is in a possession of 42 books written by the Director of TIGER, which have been published in 11 languages worldwide.

April 13, 2005
The leading independent Russian newspaper - "Niezawisimaja Gazieta" - has published interview with Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko under the title "Seichas vasha ekonomicheskaya politika namnogo luchsha chem 5 let nazad" ("Today Russia's Economic Policy Is Much Better Than 5 Years Ago"). The lead to the interview says: "The main architect of Polish Economic Miracle Advises President Putin to take advantege of the extra oil revenues to speed up the economic reforms".

April 12, 2005, 12:15 p.m. room: B17
Professor John Williamson, world renowned development economist, since 1981 the Senior Fellow at the Washington-based Institute for International Economics, and the Chief Economist for South Asia at the World Bank during 1996-99, visited TIGER and presented a special lecture on "Washington, Consensus, and the Washington Consensus". For a number of years the name of John Williamson is associated with so-called Washington Consensus, because the set of stabilization and development policies known under this words had been coined "the Washington consensus" by him. What indeed Professor Williamson meant 15 years ago by this notion and what that implies today, we had a chance to learn - and discuss - on this special occasion. It was already the XVIIth presentation within the framework of the WSPiZ & TIGER Distinguished Lectures Series.
About Professor Williamson

April 7, 2005
While in Moscow, director of TIGER - Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko participated in a special conference organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences for the 20th anniversary of commencement of "perestroika". During the conference Prof. Kolodko met with the initiator of the reform programme known all the world under the name of "perestroika", former president of the Soviet Union - Mikhail Gorbachov.
Professor Kolodko's speech (in Russian)

April 5-7, 2005
The State University-Higher School of Economics in Moscow, with the participation of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and other international agencies, organized the VI Annual International Scientific Conference on "Modernization of Economy and Nurturing of Institutions". At the invitation of Professor Evgeny Yasin, the Academic Supervisor of SU-HSE, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko took part in the event as one of the keynote speakers. The debate focused on the issues of economic modernization in Russia and other countries in transition, primarily analyzing the problems of developement of market economy institutions in the context of globalization.
Outline of the conference in English, in Russian
Program (in Russian)

April 5, 2005, 5:00 p.m.

The Senate of the Moscow's Academy of Economics and Law awarded Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko with the Honorary Professor title in recognition of his contribution to the development of economic sciences and his outstanding achievements in the practical work of post-socialist transition.

April 4-9, 2005
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presented a 20 hours cycle of lectures for the students of the Moscow School of Economics, Moscow State University. The topic of the course was "Globalization, Transformation and Development". In the recent years four books authored by the TIGER's Director have been published in Russian: "Polsza 2000. Nowaja ekonomiczeskaja strategija", Poltext, Warsaw 1996, p. 160, "Polskaja altiernatiwa. Staryje mity, riealnyje fakty i nowaja strategija w processie uspiesznoj transformacji polskoj ekonomiki" (co-author D. Mario Nuti), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 1997, p. 86, "Ot szoka k terapii. Politiczeskaja ekonomija postsocjalisteczeskich prieobrazowanij", ZAO "Żurnał Expert", Moscow 2000, p. 392 and "Globalizacja i perspektiwy razvitia post-socjalisticzeskich stran, Jewropejskij Gumanitarnij Uniwersitet", Minsk 2002, p. 200. Additionally, some major papers have been also published in the leading Russian scientific periodicals, e.g., in "Voprosy Ekonomiki" and "Mir Pieremien". These publications - aside of the English language literature - were helpful for the Russian students during the course.

April 4-8, 2005
At the invitation of Professor Vladimir Buyanov, the Rector of Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presented a series of lectures on the world economy and post-communist systemic change. The topics of subsequent lectures (to be presented on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 4:00 p.m.) were as follows:

  1. "Globalization, Development and Social Stress. The Prospects of Inclusive World Economy"
  2. "Post-Communist Transition to a Market System. Success or Failure?"
  3. "From Shock to Therapy. The Lessons from Polish Transformation"
  4. "Post-Communist Transition and Catching-up in the World Economy".

April 1-7, 2005
The Ukrainian business weekly COMPANION (No. 13, pp. 38-41) has published an interview with Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko entitled "Инвестиции требуют жертв" ("The Investments Needs the Efforts"). The conversation deals mainly with conditions for a flow of the inward foreign direct investments and the lessons from Polish transformation for Ukraine.

March 2005
TIGER is happy to announce that we have issued a CD containing a collection of 71 papers from the TIGER Working Paper Series - published in the years 2001-04. For information how to receive a CD, please contact Mr. Andrzej Bolesta at

March 2005
"Globalization and Equity: Perspectives from the Developing World" - this is a title of new book edited by Natalia Dinello and Lyn Squire. The book, based on the research conducted within the Global Development Network and published by the Edward Elgar Publishing, analyzes the links between globalization and equity from the perspectives of seven regions: the Commonwealth of Independent States, East Asia and South Asia, Eastern and Central Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko has contributed to the volume a chapter on "Transition, Globalization and Equity: Eastern and Central Europe" (p. 191-215).
Book announcement

March 31, 2005, 11:00 a.m.
Within the framework of the series of seminars, organized by the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presented a lecture on "The Factors of Fast Economic Growth and Its Feasibility in Poland". The seminar took place in the "round table" room, INE PAN, the Staszic Palace, on Nowy Swiat St. 72 in Warsaw.

March 22, 2005, 11:00 a.m.
Little Tigers Science Club together with Forum Asia-Pacific organized a conference, entitled "China - global chalenges, opportunities and threads". In a conference took part His Excellency the Ambassador of People's Republic of China in Poland - Mr Yuan Guisen.
Conference program (in Polish)

On the right: Dr. Zdzislaw Goralczyk, former Polish Ambassador to China, and China's Ambassador to Poland, Mr. Yuan Guisen

March 17, 2005, 2:00 p.m.
College of Open Thinking, acting within the Polish Historical Committee of the Students Movement, organized the debate on "Globalization - the Ideas and the Reality", which was introduced by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko. The seminar took place in Warsaw, Marszalkowska St. 77/79, 3d floor, rooms 206-207.

March 16, 2005, 4:00 p.m.
In the series of periodic TIGER seminars Professor Witold Malecki from University of Insurance and Banking in Warsaw delivered a lecture entitled "Polish perspectives of joining Economic and Monetary Union".
CV (in Polish)
Abstract (in Polish)

March 15, 2005, 4:00 p.m.
"Top 15" - this is a group of leading students of Kozminski School of Business, for which Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presented a special lecture on "Globalization: a Chance or a Threat for Development?".

March 15, 2005, 10:00 a.m.
The University of Insurance and Banking in Warsaw (WSUiB) organized the VIth Conference - Public Affairs Forum on "Ten Years Later. Poland in the Decade after Accession to the European Union". At the second panel session (12:30) Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko spoke on "The Lessons from Polish Transformation". The conference took place in Warsaw's FORUM hotel (ul. Marszalkowska/al. Jerozolimskie).

March 16, 2005, IMF, Washington D.C.
Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, Research Director, participated in a seminar given by Prof. George Akerlof from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Nobel Prize Winner in Economics in 2001, on "Identity Economics".
More on Prof. Akerlof

March 11, 2005
In the follow up to the Club de Madrid's International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko attended the Atocha Workshop on terrorism. The workshop was organized in Madrid by the Varsavsky Foundation.
Outline of the workshop

Train station Atocha

March 10-11, 2005
Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, Research Director, took part in an international workshop organized by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), Seville, and by the Directorate General Joint Research Centre (JRC) at the European Commission, on the "Socio Economic Aspects of Knowledge-based Europe The Role of ISTs". The workshop was aimed at discussing the reforms needed to increase the level of EU competitiveness through enhanced innovation and productive use of information society technologies.
List of participants

March 8-11, 2005
At the invitation of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Former President of Brazil and the President of the Club de Madrid, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko participated in the Club de Madrid's International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security. This unique event was coincided with the commemoration of the attacks on Madrid of March 11, 2004, and was attended by numerous current and former heads of states and governments, executive heads of international organizations, renowned scholars and intellectuals, as well as leading representatives of business and civil society. The Summit was supported by H.M. the King of Spain - Juan Carlos - and sponsored by the Spanish Government as well as the local authorities in Madrid. Summit participants created the Madrid Agenda, a plan of action that strives to bring together the world's nations to develop a common strategy for preventing terrorism and fortifying democracy.
Program of the Summit

His Majesty the King of Spain, addresses the Summit participants
(Photo: Club de Madrid)

March 2, 2005, 4:00 p.m.
In the series of TIGER seminars Ms. Hanna Antonova from The Faculty of Political Science of National University of Kyiv - Mohyla Academy delivered a lecture entitled "The Orange Revolution and Democratic Change in Ukraine". Ms. Antonova is conducting internship in the TIGER Institute.
Author's presentation

February 2005
The Maggio/Giugno (May/June) 2004 issue of the bi-monthly journal "Rivista di Politica Economica" has published the paper by TIGER Director, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, on "Institutions, Policies and Growth".
Sommario (in Italian)

February 2005
Italian scientific quarterly "QA - La Questione Agraria" (2004, Fasc. 4) has published an article by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko entitled "La transizione all'economia di mercato: gradualismo o radicalismo?". This is a translation of a paper on "Transition to a Market System: Gradualism versus Radicalism", which has been issued earlier in English in our series "TIGER Working Papers". The paper is based on the manuscript of distinguished lecture delivered on March 10th, 2004, during the ceremony of awarding the author the Honorary Degree at the Chengdu University.
Sommaro (in Italian)

February 28, 2005
At the invitation of Prof. Jerzy Sikorski, Andrzej Bolesta participated in a conference entitled "Economic Dialog of the eastern regions: Poland's Experiences after the UE Accession". The conference was organised by the Bialystok University.

February 25-27, 2005
"Little Tigers" Students Science Club together with HR Club Student Science Club organised a workshop - with the participation of Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko - entitled "Why is it you... Students chances and opportunities at labour market". Prof. Andrzej K. Kozminski - WSPiZ Rector and prof. Czeslaw Szmidt - HR Lecturer at WSPiZ and Director at the Department of Development and Practise at BGŻ Bank also took part in. The workshop was conducted at "Skarbczyk" educational center in Bialobrzegi.

February 25, 2005
The leading Senegalese daily "Le Soleil", has published an interview (in French) with Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, the TIGER Director, on "CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE: Le Sénégal est sur la bonne voie" ("Economic growth. Senegal is on the right track"). The interview was edited by Mr. Ibrahima Ndiaye.

February 16, 2005, IMF, Washington D.C.
Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, Research Director, participated in the symposium on "Whither Development Economics?", which was held at the International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C. The symposium featured the following panelists: Abhijit Bannerjee (MIT), Tim Besley (London School of Economics), Simon Johnson (IMF/MIT), Dani Rodrik (Harvard) and John Williamson (Institute for International Economics).

February 10, 2005
At the invitation of Director General of the African Institute for Research and Development (IARD) - Mamady six Kaba - Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko has visited Conakry and presented there a seminar on "Globalization and Catching-up in Emerging Market Economies". This is also the title of a book by Director of TIGER, published recently by the Nigerian Institute for International Affairs Press in Lagos, Nigeria. Professor Kolodko has met also with a group of the Guinean experts which have graduated from the Polish universities and colleges.

February 10, 2005
As an extraordinary event has been received Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko special speech delivered to the Parliament of the Republic of Guinea in Conakry. It has happened first time in this country history that the foreign guest was invited to address the plenary session of Parliament. What is of special interest here is the fact that the floor has been given not to the head of a state, but to the development economist, renowned not only for his theoretical contribution but also for achievements as a practitioner in development. Professor Kolodko was speaking on the issues of development strategies in the context of globalization and the role of regional integration agreements in facilitating the countries international competitiveness. In his presentation, warmly accepted by the deputies and lively commented by the media, he shared his experience in successful stabilization and integration policies, in particularly in implementing fast economic growth policies in Poland. Director of TIGER supported strongly the plans of introducing a common regional currency in all ECOWAS region by 2014.

With a group of deputies after the address to the Parliament

February 9, 2005
During a working visit to West Africa, with the series of lectures and consultations, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko has met in Conakry with Prime Minister of Guinea, Mr. Cellou Dalein Diallo. The discussion touched upon the conditions of sustainable development and perspectives of introducing common currency for 15 countries of ECOWAS (The Economic Community of West African States), inhabited by a quarter of billion people. At present, in 8 of these countries, i.e., Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo, as well as in Cameroon which is not the member of ECOWAS, the common West African franc, or CFA, pegged to the euro, is in circulation. 6 other countries, including Guinea, The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, are working on introduction of their own currency (at the earliest, yet unlikely, in 2007). In 2014, at the basis of these two currencies, the common currency ought to be launched for 14 ECOWAS states (and Cameroon). Cape Verde is not yet taking a part in the project.

Professor Kolodko, while in Conakry, has met also with the wife of President of the Republic of Guinea, Madame Conté - Kadiatou Seth Camara. The main subject of the conversation was social development and policy attacking the poverty.

With Kadiatou Seth Camara - Madame Conté.

February 3, 2005
Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz participated in the discussion meeting on "The Regional Policy within the New Financial Frameworks for 2007-2013", which took place in the Department of Regional Policy of the European Commission in Brussels.

With Andrzej Kosnikowski, Assistant to the Commissioner Danuta Hübner,
at the the European Commission Headquarter in Brussels

January 2005
"Wid szoku do terapii. Ekonomika i politika transformacii" (pp. 564) - this is the title of the book just published by the press of Niezależnij Kulturologicznyj Żurnal "I" (Independent Culture Journal "I") in Lvov, Ukraine, right on the eve of the crucial phase of the presidential election. The book is the subsequent translation of Professor Kolodko's major work "From Shock to Therapy. The Political Economy of Postsocialist Transformation" (Oxford University Press 2000)
Contents (in Ukrainian)

January 2005
The book "Globalization and Social Stress", edited by Anna Grzymala-Busse and Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, has been published by The Yale Center for International and Area Studies (YCIAS). This book contains 11 papers, created as an output of research program conducted jointly by TIGER and YCIAS, with results presented during the conference with the same title.
Table of contents

January 2005
University of Oxford's Refugee Studies Centre has announced publication of three books edited by research assistant in TIGER- Andrzej Bolesta. More information about all three books you may find at by clicking on "Publications" and "Recent Releases".

January 31 - February 17, 2005

Discussions dealing with various implications of globalization for economic development should not stop at the international conferences held in fancy hotels or limit only to the debates at the universities auditoria. It is imperative also to talk and get the message from the ordinary people - living far away from academia and politics - on the life of which the processes of liberalization, opening up and integration do have significant impact. On the occasion of his recent visit to Africa the TIGER's Director has visited not only Senegal and Guinea, but also Mauritania, Guinea-Bissau and The Gambia. During the summer of 2004 Professor Kolodko had traveled by the local means of transport through another seven West African countries: Nigeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Niger. This creates indeed a great opportunity of a true contact with the local communities and helps in deeper understanding of the real development challenges at the grass root level.

January 27, 2005
The Director of TIGER, at the invitation of the World Bank, participated in the ABCDE - the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics. This year ABCDE was focused on the topic of "Growth and Integration" and took place in Senegal's capital, Dakar. ABCDE is one of the world's best known series of conferences for the presentation and discussion of new knowledge about development.

January 26, 2005, 3:30 p.m.
At the invitation of the West African Research Center Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presented in Dakar, Senegal a lecture on "Post-Communist Transition and the European Union Enlargement". WARC is the overseas research center for The West African Research Association (WARA).

With Professor Ousmane Sene (in the middle), Director of WARC

January 24-26, 2005
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko has participated in the Sixth Annual Global Development Conference of themGlobal Development Network (GDN) on "Developing and Developed Worlds: Mutual Impact". The conference took place in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. The TIGER's Director had acted as the panelist in session on "Political Constraints and Opportunities in Transition Economies". The paper presented to the conference on "Institutions, Policies and Growth" is accessible here. Additionally, he has contributed to the session on "International Financial Reform". While in Dakar, Professor Kolodko met also with Mr. Abdoulaye DIOP, the Minister of Economy and Finance of Senegal, with whom he has discussed the perspectives and determinants of the common currency for the entire integration grouping of ECOWAS.

January 14, 2005
Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz was a participant in the international workshops on: "Dimensions of national innovation systems", organized by The German Economy Study Centre in Warsaw School of Economics and TuTech Innovation Institute in Hamburg.