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Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko - Working Papers |
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13. Some Reflections on China and Globalization", TIGER Working Paper Series No. 145, Warsaw, April 2021
12. "New Pragmatism versus New Nationalism" TIGER Working Paper Series No. 137, Warsaw, April 2017
11. "Political Economy of Brexit, or Brexitology", TIGER Working Paper Series No. 134, Warsaw, September 2016
10. "Causes, Mechanism and Implications of Grexit: Its Politics and Economics", TIGER Working Paper Series No. 133, Warsaw, September 2016
9. "Globalization, Transformation and Management Education", TIGER Working Paper Series No. 89, Warsaw, May 2006
8. "Globalization and Its Impact on Economic Development", TIGER Working Paper Series No. 81, Warsaw, January 2006
7. "Transition to a Market System: Gradualism versus Radicalism", TIGER Working Paper Series No. 60, Warsaw, August 2004
6. "Institutions, Policies and Growth", TIGER Working Paper Series No. 56, Warsaw, June 2004
5. "Globalization - Challenges and Opportunities for Transition Economies", TIGER Working Paper Series No. 42, Warsaw, June 2003
4. "The 'New Economy' and the Old Problems", TIGER Working Paper Series No. 24, Warsaw, August 2002
3. "2025: Two Histories of Economic Growth", TIGER Working Paper Series, No. 12, Warsaw, September 2001
2. "The 'New Economy' and Old Problems. Prospects for Fast Growth in Postsocialist Countries", TIGER Working Paper Series, No. 9, Warsaw, June 2001
1. "Globalization and transformation. Illusions and reality", TIGER Working Paper Series No. 1
IMF Working Papers 4. "Globalization and Catching-up: From Recession to Growth in Transition Economies" - IMF 2000
3. "Fiscal Policy and Capital Formation in Transition Economies" - IMF 1999
2. "Equity Issues in Policymaking in Transition Economies" - IMF 1998
1. "From Output Collapse to Sustainable Growth in Transition Economies. The Fiscal Implications" - IMF 1992
2. "Globalisation and Transformation: Illusions and Reality" OECD Development Centre Technical Papers No. 176, May 2001
1. "Financial Sector Development", Fifth Conference of Financial Sector Development in the Central Asian Countries, Azerbaijan and Mongolia, 8-9 March 2001, OECD, Paris
7."The Great Transformation 1989-2029. Could It Have
Been Better? Will It Be Better?", UNU/WIDER "Working Paper"
6. "A Two-thirds Rate of Success. Polish Transformation
and Economic Development, 1989-2008", UNU/WIDER
Research Paper 5. "Institutions, Policies and Economic Development", WIDER Research Paper No. 2006/21 (February 2006). (internet version) 4. "Globalization and Catching-up in Emerging Market Economies", WIDER Discussion Paper, WDP No. 2002/51 (May). 3. "Transition to a market and entrepreneurship. The systemic factors and policy options" - WIDER 1999 2. "The Polish Alternative" - WIDER 1997 1.“Reform, Stabilization Policies and Economic Adjustment in Poland”, United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), Helsinki, WP51, January 1989
World Bank Working Papers 3. "Some remarks on the World Development Report 2000/1. Attacking Poverty" - World Bank 2000 2. "Ten Years of Postsocialist Transition. Lessons for Policy Reforms" - World Bank 1999 1. "Economic Neoliberalism Became Almost Irrelevant..." - World Bank 1998
Institute of Finance Working Papers 19. IF Working Papers Nr 3, "Stabilisation Policy in Poland challenges and constraints" , Warszawa 1989 18. IF Working Papers Nr 7, "Crisis, adjustment and growth on socialisy economy - political challenges and the dilemmas of economic sciences", Warszawa 1990 17. IF Working Papers Nr 10, "Polish hyperinflation and stabilization 1989-1990", Warszawa 1990 16. IF Working Papers Nr 11, "Stabilization in Viet Nam", Warszawa 1990 15. IF Working Papers Nr 12, "Indebtedness of east european countries", Warszawa 1990 14. IF Working Papers Nr 16, "Hyperinflation and stabilization in postsocialist economies (the case of Poland, Viet Nam and Yugoslavia)", Warszawa 1990 13. IF Working Papers Nr 17, "Inflation stabilization in Poland a year after", Warszawa 1991 12. IF Working Papers Nr 24, "Fiscal adjustment and stabilization policies in eastern europe", Warszawa 1991 11. IF Working Papers Nr 26, "Structural adjustment policy in Poland. The recent achievements and future challenges", Warszawa 1992 10. IF Working Papers Nr 27, "Fiscal adjustment and stabilization policies: the Polish experience", Warszawa 1992 9. IF Working Papers Nr 29, "Stabilization, recession and growth in postsocialist economy", Warszawa 1992 8. IF Working Papers Nr 35, "From output collapse to sustainable growth in transition economies. The fiscal implications", Warszawa 1993 7. IF Working Papers Nr 38, "From recession to growth in post-communist economies: expectations versus reality", Warszawa 1993 6. IF Working Papers Nr 39, "Perverse effect of fiscal adjustment in transition economies", Warszawa 1993 5. IF Working Papers Nr 40, "Strategy for Poland", Warszawa 1993 4. IF Working Papers Nr 48, "Continuity and change in the Polish transformation 1993-2000". Warszawa 1996 3. IF Working Papers Nr 51, "Strategy for Poland, Package 2000. Growth. Stabilization. Competitiveness.", Warszawa 1997 2. IF Working Papers Nr 53, "Euro-2006. Poland on the path to european monetary union", Warszawa 1997 1. IF Working Papers Nr 57, "Transition economies - selected issues", Warszawa 1998