Emerging Market Economies: Globalization and Development
is the result of a comprehensive international research project co-ordinated within
TIGER (Transformation, Integration and Globalization Economic Research). It deals
with economic, social and political implications of globalization for the development
of emerging market economies and is authored by a host of international scholars
from the USA, Chile, Tanzania, UK, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Romania, China and
Japan. Kolodko et al examine the fundamental issues of the influences of
globalization on the markets for capital, goods and labour and for the growth
and development in emerging markets including post-communist countries. The study
includes a number of comprehensive and compatible works which deal especially
with the chances for and mechanism of catching-up on these emerging markets. Ashgate.com "With
this book we now have a clear map through the maze of complex issues facing today's
emerging economies, the result of an international research effort led by Grzegorz
Kolodko, who brings to the debate not only innovative economic analysis but also
his own deep experience as a policymaker in one of Europe's most successful emerging
economies." Dr Tony Addison, World Institute for Development
Economics Research, Finland "This volume steers a middle course
between the diehard opponents of globalization on the one hand, and its apologists
on the other...This balanced perspective is much needed as the world struggles
with the newly unleashed forces of technology, trade and capital flows."
Professor Ravi Kanbur, Cornell University, USA The book "Emerging
Market Economies" consists of the proceedings of the Fourth International Conference
on Globalization and Catching-up in Emerging Market Economies held in Warsaw in
May 2002. The twelve texts are divided into four Parts: Globalization, Transformation
and Growth (Part I), Economic Growth in the More and the Less Globalized Economies
(Part II), One World, Different Paths of Development (Part III) and Catching-up
and External Factors of Development (Part IV). pełen
tekst Dejan Dragojevic
the process of globalisation has brought tremendous changes to
economies and politics world-wide and not everybody has been able to
reap its benefits. A detailed analysis is required in order to measure
which aspects of globalisation are conducive to prosperity for all, and
which aspects have an adversely effect. Turning globalisation to our
advantage is not an easy task. This is particularly the case with the
transition and developing countries, which are undergoing dramatic
changes and adjustments in their economic and political arrangements, while being, at the same time, confronted with the challenges of globalisation. pełen
tekst Csilla Varga |